Hi! My name is Michelle, and I’m all about connecting people with quality products and services.
The famous Albus Dumbledore once said,
“Words are, in my not-so-humble opinion, our greatest source of magic.”
I agree. Words can powerfully impact the world, and that’s why having an excellent copywriter is so important. The right words create a universe of possibilities for people to live better lives.
I’m passionate about crafting and communicating messages that make this world a better place through meaningful products, experiences, and services.
For most of my life I’ve been an educator, designing and building compelling material and teaching communication skills to students of all ages. I believe in the magic of words, because I’ve seen them transform hundreds of my students’ lives.
My background in education has given me a second-nature ability to understand all kinds of people with diverse interests and needs and to communicate effectively to them.
Using the same methods I mastered as a teacher, I craft copy that holds your audience’s attention and motivates them to take action to make their lives better through the use of your product or services.
Please visit my portfolio to see some of my recent work.